30 Jan 2023 – 3 Feb 2023
Location: Rotorua, New Zealand (virtual and in-person attendance)
Main Event: IAVCEI Scientific Assembly
Invited Speaker: Dr. Teresa Ubide Garralda (University of Queensland, Australia)
Session description:
A major societal application of volcanology is to give an early warning of volcanic activity to reduce risks to communities. Magmatic processes occurring at depth within volcanic plumbing systems prior to, during, and after eruptions play a fundamental role in controlling the tempo and style of volcanic activity. Investigating these processes can thus lead to improved volcanic hazard assessment. These dynamic processes operate and interlink on scales of millimetres to kilometres, occur at timescales from seconds to hundreds or thousands of years, and involve complex physics and chemistry at the interface between fluid and solid mechanics. In recent years the concept of transcrustal magmatic systems has emerged to explain the temporal and chemical connection and evolution of upper crustal magma reservoirs to their lower crustal roots. Understanding the dynamics and linking the scales of processes throughout the transcrustal magmatic system is crucial to forecast its evolution towards eruption, and consequently providing accurate hazard and risk assessments.
This session targets scientists dealing with the physical, chemical and temporal evolution of volcanic plumbing systems by using field, geophysical or geodetic observations, theoretical or analytical models, petrological and geochemical constraints, and experimental or numerical methods.
To trigger cross-disciplinary interactions, the session aims are process-oriented and targeted at e.g.:
- studies of solidified, eroded volcanic plumbing systems;
- pre-eruptive partial melting and magma generation, magma accumulation, mixing and migration of active volcanic plumbing system;
- petrological, geodetic and geophysical reconstructions of pre-eruptive magma storage and ascent conditions, and their combination;
- simulations of magma storage, reservoir growth and/or transport using analogue and/or numerical modelling.
The deadline for Abstract submission is 2nd September 2022.
For more information about this event and how to submit your abstract please see the main IAVCEI Scientific Assembly website.