Our next Guest Talk is up and coming! Sam Poppe will present ‘How can we reconcile models with geology? Deformation modes induced by magma intrusion in planetary crust’, on 3/12/2021 at 11:00 CET.

3 Dec 2021 | 11:00 CET
Location: Online
Main Event: VIPS Virtual Seminar Series
Contact Email: info@vipscommission.org
An impressive range of analytical and numerical models of volcano deformation is available to volcano monitoring efforts. Whereas most geodetic models assume elastic host rock rheology, recent geological and geophysical observations have stressed the role – sometimes even dominance – of complex, non-elastic deformation during the evolution of propagating magma fronts. I will demonstrate how combinations of geological observations with laboratory experiments and inversion models help understanding the context of non-elastic deformation but also open a debate for our community: does local non-elastic deformation affect broad deformation signals at active volcanoes enough to care?
Dr. Sam Poppe studies how magma-induced structural deformation of planetary crust affects volcanic activity. He uses a mixture of geological field observations, laboratory and numerical modelling, geochemical analysis and remote sensing of Earth, the Moon and Mars. He is a Fulbright-B.A.E.F. alumnus and received grants from the Vocatio Foundation and the Science Communication Year Prize from the Flemish Royal Academy of Belgium that supported his passion of combining volcanology and #scicomm. At present, he is leading the DeMo-Planet project at the Mars Exploration Laboratory of the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.