Hello VIPS Community,
We’re excited to welcome our three newest members to our Focus on VIPS blog editing team: Euan, Jade and Michal.

Euan (he/him) is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), which is part of Columbia University in the City of New York, USA. He completed an MSci at the University of Bristol where he conducted high pressure and temperature experiments to simulate the crystallisation of amphibole in granitic magmas. For his PhD, at the University of Cambridge, he combined microanalysis of crystal zoning patterns in olivine and plagioclase with numerical models of solid-state diffusion to constrain the timescales of magmatic processes beneath Iceland such as magma storage, mixing and transport. Since then, Euan has completed a postdoctoral position at the University of Maryland where he developed 3D models to simulate water loss from olivine-hosted melt inclusions. At LDEO, Euan is now using melt inclusions to understand the heterogeneity of melts feeding arc volcanoes, with a particular focus on the Aleutians. Outside of volcanology and igneous petrology, Euan enjoys camping, long distance running, and supporting Sheffield United.

Jade (she/her) is a PhD student at the University of Liverpool where she is investigating fluid flow and deformation in the plumbing systems of volcanic fissure eruptions. Her interests in volcanology and igneous petrology are driven by her MESci degree, where she developed a database to investigate the gaps in the published kimberlite record of southern Africa. Jade is actively involved in scientific outreach, working with the university to educate the younger generations about earth sciences. In her spare time, she likes scrapbooking, playing games and exploring new destinations around the world.

Michal is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. After completing an MSc at University College London, she returned home to Trinidad and Tobago and began working at the volcano monitoring agency for the anglophone Eastern Caribbean, The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC). She later enrolled in a PhD programme at there (including an exchange year at the University of Bristol) where her research focused on analysing textures and compositions of plutonic xenoliths and lavas from volcanic centres in the southern Lesser Antilles, for assessing variations in magmatic processes operating throughout the crust. After completing her PhD, she expanded her research purview to include geodetic monitoring at UWI-SRC. She then gained an extraordinary opportunity to become actively involved in managing the eruptive crisis at La Soufrière volcano, St. Vincent (2020-21). She has since returned to the United Kingdom continuing research on La Soufrière where she is integrating petrological analyses on plutonic xenoliths with seismological analyses on monitoring data for constraining the depths and timescales over which its magmas migrate to the surface.
They will join Caitlin and Kerys in continuing to post captivating content from our community. Be on the lookout for more updates in the coming months…changes are brewing!
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